I blame cable TV. And reading.
I am addicted to watching bad movies. Calling them bad isn't fair, exactly; some of them are quite entertaining. But they aren't quite "Citizen Kane," if you know what I mean.
Unless "Citizen Kane" featured a drug-addicted blood-sucker with a turkey's head.
In the early days on HBO and Showtime, the catalog of movies for whatever reason, was a little limited. Thus, certain movies were shown ad infinitum. So I have a soft spot in my heart for such films as "Xanadu," "Super Fuzz" and "The Beastmaster."
Also in the mix was a little flick called "It Came From Hollywood." It starred Dan Aykroyd, John Candy, Gilda Radner and Cheech and Chong. And in those pre Mystery Science Theater 3000 days, this was the first place I saw people making fun of cheesy horror and sci-fi flicks.
At that point, the only chance to see those kinds of movies was on KTVU's Creature Features, hosted by Bob Wilkins and later by John Stanley. It was on late, so I didn't get to see it as often as I'd have liked to.
The movie introduced me to bad brain movies, cautionary drug tales such as "Reefer Madness" and the works of Ed Wood.
Also around this time, I found a book at the library called "The Golden Turkey Awards" by Michael and Harry Medved. While I balked at their inclusion of the 1978 musical "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (I was only a kid, remember...), I was amazed at the whacked-out ideas that some of these movies were based around.
I wanted to see these bad movies because they looked unbelievably odd. But in those days, there just wasn't the kind of access to cinematic dung that there is today.
And that bugged me, because "It Came From Hollywood" featured a clip from a movie that for years was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. From the movie "A*P*E," a ripoff of the King Kong remake, there were a few scenes of abysmal special effects work -- the trucks the giant ape was tossing around were obviously toys. But the best one is when the ape, apparently upset by the constant attacks from the army, gives them the finger!
Thankfully, the movie is now available on DVD and is now in my Netflix cue. Woohoo!
Over the years, I tried to track down as many movies from "It Came From Hollywood" and "The Golden Turkey Awards" as I could. It wasn't unusual for me to have movie marathons late at night on the weekends (fortunately, I didn't have any kind of social life to get in the way of such academic pursuits), and I made quite a dent in the horror and sci-fi sections of my local video stores.

Through the magic of eBay, Netflix and the occasional find at the thrift store, I will be working on what I like to call "Bad Movies A to Z." Twenty-six movies, some bad, some not-so-bad, and even a couple that are pretty good. I picked them based on availability, appeal and, of course, my own gluttony for punishment.
I'd like to say they'll be weekly, but I don't always have as much time to watch movies as I'd like.
The fun will kick off with one of the flicks I learned about from "It Came From Hollywood" -- "The Amazing Colossal Man."
Don't say I didn't warn you.