While we were out yesterday, the thermometer in the car said it was 108 degrees outside. When it's that hot, there's really only one thing you can do.
Slip N Slide!Alas, it's not meant to be. According to the box for the Splash Dunk Slip N Slide, it is designed for ages 5-12, up to 110 lbs. That weight restriction would've gotten me about midway through my sophomore year in high school, but now, I'm just a
little bit heavier.
They have an
adult version of the
classic Big Wheel, but no big-kids size Slip N Slide. Presumably, grown-ups don't want to ruin their lawns.
That was the reason I never had one when I was a kid. I was a very deprived child. I had every toy in Toys R Us except for a Slip N Slide, a Big Wheel and
Legos. I did have
Loc Blocs, but that's like comparing a Mustang to a Gremlin -- with a busted axle.
I had a few friends who had the toys that I didn't, and before you ask, no, that's not why they were my friends.
They had Bubble Yum, too.
Seriously, many a summer day was spent slipping and sliding on someone else's lawn. There was a lot of preparation involved. You had to lay out the track just right -- no wrinkles or folds. Depending on how many kids you had around, you'd invariably have to talk one kid out of trying to set up a ramp.
And despite all this preparation, I'd still always be the hapless schmuck who hit the theretofore-undiscovered rock under the Slip N Slide. I'm sure I have little jagged scars up my sides to this day.
We didn't have a large Big Wheel community in my neighborhood. The closest person I knew who had one was my cousin, who graciously allowed me to ride hers when I went to visit.
And didn't I look like one of Hell's Angels on the Barbie Powder Puff Big Wheel?
They still sell Big Wheels; soon I'll be shopping for one for my son. So far, I haven't seen any with the spinout lever, but I'm sure he'll just be happy that it's not pink.
I can tell I'm growing up a little. I haven't tried talking my wife into letting me buy the adult Big Wheel.
Well, not that many times, anyway.