Hey, to follow up on
last week's post about "Superman II," in case you want to see what other pop-culture junkies picked as their go-to movies, go check out these posts from my fellow leaguers, as listed on
Cool and Collected.
- Christopher Tupa is still searching for One Eyed Willie’s treasure. Be sure to check out his illustrations! (Goonies)
- TL at the “Flashlights are Something to Eat” blog came up with one of the more obscure choices that instantly flooded me with nostalgia for summer camp. (Poison Ivy)
- Charles Raymond at Geek Show Ink likes Raiders of the Lost Ark…
- …while Stacey Raider of Pendragon’s Post prefers the Temple of Doom.
- Jeff Sparkman at Siftin’ gets brownie points for dressing up in tights in support of his pick. (Superman II)
- Jason Wilson at I Fart Online was of the same mindset, but didn’t wear the tights. (Superman)
- Justin at Generals Joes also likes his superheroes, but he’s more of a Marvel fan. (Spider-Man TV series)
- I thought for sure that Predator was going to be the choice for Fiji Mermaid over at Sideshow Cinema but another horror movie took the honor. (Fright Night)
- Monsterfink’s Midnight Monster Spookshow totally surprised me for NOT choosing a horror movie. (Yellow Submarine)
- “I know you are but what am I?” Michael May’s Adventureblog chose a true icon for his movie: (Pee Wee’s Big Adventure)
- I swear, sometimes I think Shawn Robare and I were separated at birth. Branded in the 80′s chimed in with one of my all time favorite movies. (Red Dawn)
- Bantor2 over at Eidetic Memory brought back some serious testosterone-fueled nostalgia with his movie. (Bloodsport)
- The Claymation Werewolf never disappoints with his unique take on pop culture. Any Johnny Utah fans out there? (Point Break)
- Paxton Holley at the Cavalcade of Awesome chose a movie that I was sure would get several mentions. “Marty, we have to go back!” (Back to the Future)
- The Sexy Geek’s house of Swag also has fond memories of MJ and Doc Brown. (Back to the Future)
- In true form, Jeremy at Geek Chunks had a truly weird selection. (Weird Science)
- Dex1138 at the AEIOU and Sometimes Why blog has seen his “Go to” movie a lot. A whole lot! (Star Wars)
- The doubledumbassonyou blog picked a trifecta, and I can’t argue with any of them. (Big Trouble in Little China, Transformers: The Movie, and Flash Gordon)
- Another fan of those fighting robots: Fairplay Things: (Transformers)
- And in closing, CT from the Nerd Lunch crew has the distinction of selecting the only movie on this list that I just don’t understand. (Buckaroo Banzai)
We've got another topic to work on for next week, so at the very least, I'm moving back up to weekly blog updates! Miraculous!