In the early days of home computing, we picked some losers before some winners. We were the only family I knew of who had a Coleco Adam, and before that we had a Timex Sinclair.
But in our pre-PC days, we managed to settle on first the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A and then ultimately, our trusty Commodore 128, on which we played about a billion Commodore 64 games over and over.
So when I saw this video this morning, it tugged a little at my heartstrings. Some enterprising souls have created an ersatz Guitar Hero game that runs on the C-64. It's called Shredz64.
While I'm tempted to break out my old C-128 to try it out, I really don't have the room or an adapter for my guitar controller anyway. But check out this demo, in which the SID version of a popular 80s tune is played.